This is the second post about the Wing Chun training I recently started. This will serve as a record to what my Wing Chun Sifu has to offer during each lesson.
During this second lesson my Wing Chun Sifu thought us how to attack an opponents neck, ribs with upper and lower palm strike. He also thought us how to attack a person's groin with the palm facing downwards, meaning your fingers is facing the ground.
We had to punch the punching bag quite a lot to get all the strike right or at least get an idea of how to use it. Although I myself have a homemade punching bag that is filled with sand inside, I find that small punching bag that is hanged against the wall can hurt your hand more. My punching bag is hanged from the top so each time you hit it it can move backwards, absorbing the impact but not bringing the impact back to your fist.
We also were thought the Wing Chun ready hand position, called Men Sao and Wu Sao in Cantonese, meaning "Asking hand" and "Protecting hand". If you have watched Ip Man the movie, it is the hand position Ip Man does most of the time. Like the picture I put up at the start of this post. We learn how to punch and move back to this ready position each time we finish a strike.
All quite simple really. I wonder what we will learn in the next Wing Chun lesson. Might need something extra to keep my interest alive because I can get bored pretty easily if there is nothing new.
My Wing Chun class is 2 days a week on Tuesday and Wednesday. So if you are following my blog expect this kind of post twice each week unless there is nothing interesting to write about.
I can't find your contact info. I wanted to ask you a question about wing chun. Please send me an email at sgkoenig99 at hotmail dot com.
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