Wing Chun training- First Month

Well the first month of my Wing Chun training is over. Eight lessons in total. Finally near the end of the week my Wing Chun Sifu thought us beginner group the first section of Siu Lim Tau(Little Idea).

Learning from video in some ways does work since 90% of what I have learnt is correct. It is just small things that you might miss or was not taught in the video training. I think buying video for martial arts training should better serve as a guide once you have learnt the art and is afraid that you might have forgotten some parts of it.

Just another recap of what I have learnt in the first month. The basic stance, basic punches from the center line, palm strike, palm strike to the neck, ribs and a lower palm strike to the groin. We also were thought how to block straight punches directly or from the side. Some drill to make our hand a little stronger.

I have to say that learning from a Sifu directly is really helpful. You learn a bit here and there that is pretty important but overlooked most of the time. The Wing Chun short range power is pretty fun when you do it right.

Looking forward to the second month of my Wing Chun training. More Siu Lim Tau and I hope more about application as well of the form.


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